Quellcode für stemp.forms

Module to hold customized django forms

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict, namedtuple
from itertools import chain

from django.forms import (
from crispy_forms.helper import FormHelper

from utils.highcharts import Highchart
from stemp import constants
from stemp.fields import HouseholdField, SubmitField
from stemp.widgets import (
from stemp.models import Household, Simulation, District

ValueUnit = namedtuple("ValueUnit", ["value", "unit"])

[Doku]class ChoiceForm(Form): """ Customized choice form Adds foundation attributes and "onchange" submission. """ def __init__( self, name, label=None, choices=None, submit_on_change=True, initial=None, field=ChoiceField, widget=Select, *args, **kwargs ): super(ChoiceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) choices = [] if choices is None else choices label = label if label is not None else name attrs = {"class": "btn btn-default"} if submit_on_change: attrs["onchange"] = "this.form.submit();" self.fields[name] = field( label=label, choices=choices, initial=initial, widget=widget(attrs=attrs), )
[Doku]class TechnologyForm(Form): """ Form for technology checkboxes Additional information is loaded within TechnologyWidget. """ def __init__( self, name, label=None, choices=None, initial=None, information=None, *args, **kwargs ): super(TechnologyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) choices = [] if choices is None else choices label = label if label is not None else name attrs = {"class": "btn btn-default"} information = {} if information is None else information self.fields[name] = MultipleChoiceField( label=label, choices=choices, initial=initial, widget=TechnologyWidget(attrs=attrs, information=information), )
[Doku]class ParameterForm(Form): """ Form to show a grouped edit form for all possible parameters Depending on parameter best fitting field is automatically detected and added to the form. The field type depends on parameter type (int, char, etc.). In case of int ant float types, slider field is added if min and max values are given. """ delimiter = "-" @staticmethod def __init_field(parameter_data, scenario): error_messages = { "required": "Falsche Eingabe. Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Wert an." } attributes = ("label", "description", "parameter_type", "unit") attrs = { attr_name: parameter_data[attr_name] for attr_name in attributes if attr_name in parameter_data } if parameter_data["value_type"] == "boolean": field = BooleanField( initial=bool(parameter_data["value"]), error_messages=error_messages ) elif parameter_data["value_type"] == "float": if all(map(lambda x: x in parameter_data, ("min", "max"))): step_size = parameter_data.get("step_size", "0.1") min_value = float(parameter_data["min"]) min_value = int(min_value) if int(min_value) == min_value else min_value field = FloatField( widget=SliderInput(step_size=step_size, attrs=attrs), initial=float(parameter_data["value"]), min_value=min_value, max_value=float(parameter_data["max"]), error_messages=error_messages, ) else: field = FloatField( initial=parameter_data["value"], error_messages=error_messages ) elif parameter_data["value_type"] == "integer": if all(map(lambda x: x in parameter_data, ("min", "max"))): field = IntegerField( widget=SliderInput(attrs=attrs), initial=int(parameter_data["value"]), min_value=int(parameter_data["min"]), max_value=int(parameter_data["max"]), error_messages=error_messages, ) else: field = IntegerField( initial=int(parameter_data["value"]), error_messages=error_messages ) elif parameter_data["value_type"] == "hidden": field = CharField( widget=HiddenInput, initial=parameter_data["value"], error_messages=error_messages, ) else: raise TypeError( 'Unknown value type "' + parameter_data["value_type"] + '" - cannot convert into FormField' ) field.scenarios = [scenario] return field def __init__(self, parameters, data=None, *args, **kwargs): super(ParameterForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.helper = FormHelper(self) self.helper.template = "forms/parameter_form.html" field_order = OrderedDict() for scenario, scenario_data in parameters: for component, component_data in scenario_data.items(): if component not in field_order: field_order[component] = [] for parameter, parameter_data in component_data.items(): field_name = self.delimiter.join((component, parameter)) if field_name in self.fields: self.fields[field_name].scenarios.append(scenario) continue field = self.__init_field(parameter_data, scenario) field.type = parameter_data.get("parameter_type") if field.type == "costs": field_order[component].insert(0, field_name) else: field_order[component].append(field_name) field.group = component self.fields[field_name] = field self.order_fields(chain(*field_order.values())) self.is_bound = data is not None self.data = data or {}
[Doku] def prepared_data(self, scenario=None): """ Reads out all (edited) parameters and returns them as dict. Dict has the form dict[component: dict[parameter: value]]. Parameters ---------- scenario : str If given, only parameters used in scenario are returned Returns ------- dict Nested dictionary of all related components and their parameter values """ def belongs_to_scenario(): """ Checks if current field is used in scenario. Returns ------- bool True, if field belongs to scenario; False otherwise. """ if ( scenario is not None and scenario not in self.fields[field_name].scenarios ): return False return True data = defaultdict(dict) if not self.is_bound: for field_name, field in self.fields.items(): if not belongs_to_scenario(): continue component, parameter = field_name.split(self.delimiter) data[component][parameter] = field.initial return data for field_name, value in self.cleaned_data.items(): if not belongs_to_scenario(): continue component, parameter = field_name.split(self.delimiter) data[component][parameter] = value return data
[Doku] @staticmethod def get_changed_parameters(parameters, data): """ Compare original parameters with user entries and return diffs """ original = defaultdict(dict) for (_, scenario_params) in parameters: for category, category_params in scenario_params.items(): for parameter, attributes in category_params.items(): original[category][parameter] = ValueUnit( attributes["value"], attributes["unit"] ) # posted-shape: # Dict['category-parameter', 'value'] posted = defaultdict(dict) skip = ["csrfmiddlewaretoken", "scenario"] for cat_param, value in data.items(): if cat_param not in skip: category, parameter = cat_param.split("-") posted[category][parameter] = value # Compare and return changed parameters by category changed = defaultdict(dict) for category, category_params in original.items(): for parameter, (value, unit) in category_params.items(): if value != posted[category][parameter]: val = posted[category][parameter] changed[category][parameter] = ValueUnit(val, unit) changed.default_factory = None return changed
[Doku] def error_groups(self): if self.is_bound: return {field.field.group for field in self if len(field.errors) > 0}
[Doku]class HouseholdForm(ModelForm): """Form to add/update a household""" number_of_persons = IntegerField( widget=NumberInput( attrs={ "class": "input input-group-field input--s", "id": "number_of_persons", } ), label="Anzahl Personen im Haushalt", initial=constants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PERSONS, error_messages={"required": "Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Wert ein."}, ) square_meters_hand = IntegerField( widget=NumberInput( attrs={"class": "input input-group-field input--s", "id": "sm_hand"} ), label="Manuell eingeben", ) heat_demand_hand = IntegerField( widget=NumberInput( attrs={"class": "input input-group-field input--s", "id": "heat_hand"} ), label="Manuell eingeben", ) roof_area_hand = IntegerField( widget=NumberInput( attrs={"class": "input-group-field input input--m", "id": "roof_hand"} ), label="Manuell eingeben", )
[Doku] class Meta: model = Household fields = "__all__" widgets = { "heat_demand": HiddenInput(), "roof_area": HiddenInput(), "square_meters": HiddenInput(), "warm_water_per_day": TextInput( attrs={"class": "input-group-field input input--m", "readonly": True} ), } error_messages = { "name": { "required": "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen für den neuen Haushalt an." }, "roof_area": {"required": "Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Wert ein."}, "square_meters": {"required": "Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Wert ein."}, "heat_demand": {"required": "Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Wert ein."}, }
[Doku] class Media: js = ("stemp/js/household.js",)
def __init__(self, only_house_type=None, *args, **kwargs): instance = kwargs.get("instance") if instance is None: kwargs["initial"] = { "square_meters_hand": ( constants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PERSONS * constants.QM_PER_PERSON ), "heat_demand_hand": ( constants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PERSONS * constants.QM_PER_PERSON * constants.ENERGY_PER_QM_PER_YEAR[constants.HouseType.EFH.name] ), "roof_area_hand": round( constants.get_roof_square_meters( constants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PERSONS * constants.QM_PER_PERSON, constants.HouseType.EFH, ) ), } warm_water_slider_start = constants.WarmwaterConsumption.Medium.value else: kwargs["initial"] = { "square_meters_hand": instance.square_meters, "heat_demand_hand": instance.heat_demand, "roof_area_hand": instance.roof_area, } warm_water_slider_start = constants.WarmwaterConsumption.from_liters( instance.warm_water_per_day ).value super(HouseholdForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields["warm_water_slider"] = CharField( widget=TextInput( attrs={"id": "warmWaterSlider", "data-from": warm_water_slider_start} ) ) if instance is not None: self.fields["hh_instance"] = CharField( widget=HiddenInput(attrs={"value": instance.id}) ) if only_house_type is not None: self.fields["house_type"] = CharField( label="Haustyp", widget=HiddenInput( attrs={"id": "id_house_type", "value": only_house_type.name} ), ) self.house_type_fix = only_house_type self.helper = FormHelper() self.helper.template = "forms/household_form.html" self.hotwater_hc = self.create_hotwater_chart()
[Doku] @staticmethod def create_hotwater_chart(): water = [ ["Baden / Duschen / Körperpflege", 44.28], ["Toilette", 33.21], ["Wäsche waschen", 14.76], ["Kleingewerbeanteil", 11.07], ["Geschirrspülen", 7.38], ["Raumreinigung / Auto / Garten", 7.38], ["Essen / Trinken", 4.92], ] water_hc = Highchart() water_hc.set_options("title", {"text": "Trinkwasserverbrauch pro Person"}) water_hc.set_options( "subtitle", { "text": ( "Durchschnittswerte bezogen " + "auf die Wasserabgabe an Haushalte" ) }, ) water_hc.set_options( "colors", [ "LightCoral", "DeepSkyBlue", "IndianRed", "DodgerBlue", "Salmon", "SkyBlue", "SteelBlue", ], ) water_hc.set_options( "plotOptions", {"pie": {"dataLabels": {"format": "{point.name}: {y} l",}}} ) water_hc.add_data_set(water, series_type="pie") return water_hc
[Doku]class HouseholdSelectForm(Form): """ Form to select a household from list A summary is shown for current selected household (logic in .js file). """ profile = ModelChoiceField( queryset=Household.objects.all(), label="Haushalt auswählen", initial=0, )
[Doku] class Media: js = ("stemp/js/household_select.js",)
def __init__(self, only_house_type=None, *args, **kwargs): super(HouseholdSelectForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if only_house_type is not None: self.fields["profile"].queryset = Household.objects.filter( house_type=only_house_type.name ).all() self.helper = FormHelper(self) self.helper.template = "forms/household_list_form.html"
[Doku]class DistrictSelectForm(Form): """Form to select a district""" district = ModelChoiceField( queryset=District.objects.all(), label="Gespeicherte Viertel", initial=0, widget=Select(), )
[Doku]class DistrictListForm(Form): """Form to add multiple households of different type to current district""" def __init__(self, hh_dict): super(DistrictListForm, self).__init__() if hh_dict is not None: for hh_id, count in hh_dict.items(): household = Household.objects.get(pk=hh_id) hh_field = HouseholdField(household, count, in_district=True) hh_field.group = household.house_type self.fields[hh_id] = hh_field self.fields["add_efh"] = SubmitField( widget=DistrictSubmitWidget, label="", initial="Einzelhaus hinzufügen" ) self.fields["add_efh"].group = "EFH" self.fields["add_mfh"] = SubmitField( widget=DistrictSubmitWidget, label="", initial="Mehrfamilienhaus hinzufügen" ) self.fields["add_mfh"].group = "MFH"
[Doku] def efh(self): """ Returns all EFH of current district Used to differentiate between EFH/MFH in template. """ return [ self[field_name] for field_name, field in self.fields.items() if field.group == "EFH" ]
[Doku] def mfh(self): """ Returns all MFH of current district Used to differentiate between EFH/MFH in template. """ return [ self[field_name] for field_name, field in self.fields.items() if field.group == "MFH" ]