Quellcode für stemp.models

Database models to set up households and districts and to store simulations including
related scenario, parameters and results

import pandas
import sqlahelper
import transaction

from django.utils import timezone
from django.db import models
from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator, MaxValueValidator
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField, JSONField

from stemp import constants
from stemp import oep_models

[Doku]class Parameter(models.Model): """Holds all parameters for a simulation run""" data = JSONField(unique=True) def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "#" + str(self.id)
[Doku]class Scenario(models.Model): """Holds name and date of simulation run""" name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True) last_change = models.DateTimeField(default=timezone.now) def __str__(self): return self.name
[Doku]class Simulation(models.Model): """Connects szenario with parameters to oemof results. As oemof results are stored via sqlalchemy, relation between simulation and result is built via "result_id" (*not* Foreign-key, thus loose coupled). """ scenario = models.ForeignKey(Scenario, on_delete=models.CASCADE) parameter = models.ForeignKey(Parameter, on_delete=models.CASCADE) result_id = models.IntegerField() date = models.DateTimeField(default=timezone.now) def __str__(self): ids = map(str, [self.scenario, self.parameter, self.result_id]) return "(" + ",".join(ids) + ")"
[Doku] @classmethod def delete_containing_household(cls, hh_id): """Deletes all simulations which contain given household ID""" districts = Household.objects.get(pk=hh_id).district_set.all() for district in districts: simulations = cls.objects.filter( parameter__data__contains={ "demand": { "type": constants.DemandType.District, "index": district.id, } } ) for simulation in simulations: simulation.delete() for simulation in cls.objects.filter( parameter__data__contains={ "demand": {"type": constants.DemandType.Single, "index": hh_id} } ): simulation.delete()
[Doku]class HeatProfile(models.Model): """Model to hold heat profiles for different households and number of persons""" name = models.CharField(max_length=255) profile = ArrayField(models.FloatField(), size=8760, null=True) layout = { "x_title": "Zeit [h]", "y_title": "Wärmeverbrauch [kWh]", "title": "Wärmeverbrauch", } def __str__(self): return self.name
[Doku]class DistrictHouseholds(models.Model): """ Relation between districts and related households (many-to-many) Amount is given to provide possibility to add multiple households of same type as one entry. """ district = models.ForeignKey("District", on_delete=models.CASCADE) household = models.ForeignKey("Household", on_delete=models.CASCADE) amount = models.IntegerField()
[Doku]class Household(models.Model): """ Household model contains all data to a single household Attributes ---------- name (str): Name of the household house_type (str): EFH (Einfamilienhaus) or MFH (Mehrfamilienhaus) heat_demand (float): Total annual heat demand number_of_persons (int): Persons belonging to the household square_meters (int): Square meters of household heat_type (str): radiator or floor warm_water_per_day (int): Daily warm water consumption roof_area (float): Potential photovoltaik area on roof of household """ timeseries = None name = models.CharField( max_length=22, unique=True, error_messages={ "unique": ( "Es ist schon ein Haushalt mit diesem Namen vorhanden - " "bitte einen neuen Namen auswählen" ) }, ) house_type = models.CharField( max_length=3, choices=((ht.name, ht.value) for ht in constants.HouseType), default="EFH", verbose_name="Haustyp", ) heat_demand = models.FloatField( verbose_name="Jährlicher Wärmebedarf", validators=[ MaxValueValidator( 5e5, message=( "Der jährliche, mögliche Heizwärmebedarf ist auf ein " "Limit von %(limit_value)s kWh begrenzt." ), ) ], ) number_of_persons = models.IntegerField( validators=[ MinValueValidator( 1, message="Mindestens eine Person muss im Haushalt leben." ), MaxValueValidator( 30, message="Bitte nur maximal %(limit_value)s Personen angeben." ), ], ) square_meters = models.IntegerField( verbose_name="Quadratmeter", validators=[ MaxValueValidator( 2e3, message=( "Die Angabe der Quadratmeter ist auf %(limit_value)s qm " "begrenzt." ), ) ], ) heat_type = models.CharField( choices=((ht.name, ht.value) for ht in constants.HeatType), default="radiator", max_length=10, verbose_name="Heizungsmodell", ) warm_water_per_day = models.IntegerField(verbose_name="Warmwasserbedarf") roof_area = models.FloatField( verbose_name="Verfügbare Dachfläche für Photovoltaik", validators=[ MaxValueValidator( 400, "Die verfügbare Dachfläche ist auf %(limit_value)s qm " "begrenzt." ) ], )
[Doku] def get_oep_timeseries(self, name): """ Function to get household timeseries This function allows one time DB access, in order to avoid multiple database look-ups. Returns: pandas.Series: Heat demand profile for given house type """ if self.timeseries is None: session = sqlahelper.get_session() with transaction.manager: self.timeseries = { house_type.value: pandas.Series( session.query(oep_models.OEPTimeseries) .filter_by(name=house_type.value) .first() .data ) for house_type in constants.HouseType } return self.timeseries[name]
[Doku] def get_heat_demand_profile(self): """ Get heat demand profile depending on given house type (EFH/MFH) Returns: pandas.Series: Heat demand profile for given house type """ house_type = constants.HouseType[self.house_type] return self.get_oep_timeseries(house_type.value)
[Doku] def annual_hot_water_demand(self): """Get annual hot water demand profile Depending on warmwater consumption per day and number of persons in household. Returns: pandas.Series: Annual hot water profile """ session = sqlahelper.get_session() with transaction.manager: hot_water = ( session.query(oep_models.OEPHotWater) .filter_by(liter=self.warm_water_per_day * self.number_of_persons) .first() ) if hot_water is None: raise KeyError( f"No hot water profile found for " f"liter={self.warm_water_per_day}" ) return pandas.Series(hot_water.data)
def __str__(self): return self.name
[Doku] def annual_total_demand(self): return ( self.heat_demand * self.get_heat_demand_profile() + self.annual_hot_water_demand() )
[Doku] def annual_heat_demand(self): return self.heat_demand * self.get_heat_demand_profile()
[Doku] def warm_water_demand(self): return self.annual_hot_water_demand().sum()
[Doku] def contains_radiator(self): return self.heat_type == constants.HeatType.radiator.name
@property def max_pv_size(self): """ Photovoltaik potential for given roof area and PV-per-square-meters-ratio """ return self.roof_area / constants.QM_PER_PV_KW
[Doku]class District(models.Model): """Multiple households combined to a district""" name = models.CharField(max_length=22) households = models.ManyToManyField("Household", through="DistrictHouseholds") def __str__(self): return self.name
[Doku] def add_households(self, households): """ Adds multiple households to the district Parameters ---------- households (dict[int, int]): Dictionary containing household-id as key and amount of this household type as value """ for hh_id, amount in households.items(): hh = Household.objects.get(pk=hh_id) district_hh = DistrictHouseholds(district=self, household=hh, amount=amount) district_hh.save()
[Doku] def annual_total_demand(self): """ Returns combined annual totol demand (heat and warmwater) for all related households in district""" return sum( [ dh.household.annual_total_demand() * dh.amount for dh in self.districthouseholds_set.all() ] )
[Doku] def annual_heat_demand(self): """Returns combined annual heat demand for all households in district""" return sum( [ dh.household.annual_heat_demand() * dh.amount for dh in self.districthouseholds_set.all() ] )
[Doku] def annual_hot_water_demand(self): """Returns combined annual hot water demand for all households in district""" return sum( [ dh.household.annual_hot_water_demand() * dh.amount for dh in self.districthouseholds_set.all() ] )
[Doku] def contains_radiator(self): """Returns `True` if any household in district contains a radiator""" return any( [ hh.heat_type == constants.HeatType.radiator.name for hh in self.households.all() ] )
@property def max_pv_size(self): """Returns summarized PV potential in district""" return sum([hh.max_pv_size for hh in self.households.all()])