Quellcode für stemp.widgets

"""Additional widgets used by forms or individually"""

from collections import defaultdict
from django.forms import Select, Widget, NumberInput
from django.forms.widgets import CheckboxSelectMultiple
from django.utils import html

from wam.settings import APP_LABELS
from stemp.app_settings import ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS
from utils.widgets import CustomWidget

[Doku]class SelectWithDisabled(Select): """ Subclass of Django's select widget that allows disabling options. To disable an option, pass a dict instead of a string for its label, of the form: {'label': 'option label', 'disabled': True} From: https://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2453/ """
[Doku] def create_option( self, name, value, label, selected, index, subindex=None, attrs=None ): disabled = False if isinstance(label, dict): label, disabled = label["label"], label["disabled"] option_dict = super(SelectWithDisabled, self).create_option( name, value, label, selected, index, subindex=subindex, attrs=attrs ) if disabled: option_dict["attrs"]["disabled"] = "disabled" return option_dict
[Doku]class HouseholdWidget(Widget): template_name = "widgets/district_household.html"
[Doku]class DistrictSubmitWidget(Widget): template_name = "widgets/district_submit.html"
[Doku]class TechnologyWidget(CheckboxSelectMultiple): """ Widget to add key-value-pairs to select component From: https://www.abidibo.net/blog/2017/10/16/add-data-attributes-option-tags-django-admin-select-field/ """ template_name = "widgets/technology.html" def __init__(self, attrs=None, choices=(), information=None): super(TechnologyWidget, self).__init__(attrs, choices) self.information = {} if information is None else information
[Doku] def create_option( self, name, value, label, selected, index, subindex=None, attrs=None ): option = super(TechnologyWidget, self).create_option( name, value, label, selected, index, subindex=None, attrs=None ) data = self.information.get(value, {}) for k, v in data.items(): option["attrs"][k] = v return option
[Doku]class SubmitWidget(Widget): """ Widget for submit button From https://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2312/ """
[Doku] def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, renderer=None): return '<input type="submit" name="%s" value="%s">' % ( html.escape(name), html.escape(value), )
[Doku]class HouseholdSummary(CustomWidget): """ Widget to show summary of a household If "use_header" is True, an accordion is used to hide summary at first. """ def __init__(self, household, use_header=True, count=None): self.template_name = ( "widgets/summary_household_accordion.html" if use_header else "widgets/summary_household_simple.html" ) self.household = household self.count = count
[Doku] def get_context(self): return {"household": self.household, "count": self.count}
[Doku]class TechnologySummary(CustomWidget): """Widget to show chosen technology as icon plus name""" template_name = "widgets/summary_technology.html" def __init__(self, scenario_config): self.config = scenario_config
[Doku] def get_context(self): return { "name": self.config["LABELS"]["name"], "icon": self.config["LABELS"].get("icon", None), "icon_class": self.config["LABELS"].get("icon_class", None), }
[Doku]class ParameterSummary(CustomWidget): """ Widget to show non-default parameters, changed by user For each changed parameter, related icon and label is shown """ template_name = "widgets/summary_parameter.html" def __init__(self, changed_parameters): self.parameters = changed_parameters
[Doku] def get_context(self): labels = defaultdict(dict) icons = {} for comp, parameters in self.parameters.items(): icons[comp] = APP_LABELS["stemp"]["technologies"]["icons"].get(comp, None) for parameter in parameters: labels[comp][parameter] = ( ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS.get(comp, {}) .get(parameter, ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS.get(parameter, {})) .get("label", parameter) ) context = {"parameters": self.parameters, "labels": labels, "icons": icons} return context
[Doku]class SliderInput(NumberInput): """ Widget to add slider to number input field Step size can be chosen, defaults to 1. Precision of number is adapted automatically from step size. """ input_type = "number" template_name = "widgets/slider.html" def __init__(self, step_size=1, attrs=None): super(SliderInput, self).__init__(attrs) self.step_size = step_size def __get_precision(self): try: return len(str(self.step_size).split(".")[1]) except IndexError: return 0
[Doku] def get_context(self, name, value, attrs): context = super(SliderInput, self).get_context(name, value, attrs) context["widget"]["step_size"] = self.step_size context["widget"]["precision"] = self.__get_precision() return context